Upgrade from Verity Parsifal to Parsifal Encore??

Hoping to hear from people who upgraded their original Parsifals to the Encores (tweeter and woofer change I believe).
What were the most noticeable differences?
I'm considering the upgrade but it's a little spendy. Trying to get a feel if it's a marginal difference or night and day.

I drive the Parsifal with a low powered SS class A amp and they sound great. Better than the high powered audio research tubes I've had in my room. I suggest you listen to several options with your own ears, and as always, get out and listen to as much gear as you can. Enjoy it.
Interesting to hear your experience that Parsifal sounds better with a low powered SS amp than a high powered AR tube amp. It must be the impedance then. Will remove Parsifal from my shortlist then.

May I ask what was the power of your audio research tube amp.

I have heard quite a few speakers, but its really hard to compare them unless they are in your own system. I even took a trip down RMAF 2013 for hearing as many speakers as possible. Often have to take the plunge with your gut.

Parsifals present a modestly tough load, but tube amps can sound great, if they're a good match. My ARC VT-130SE sounded great with the P/E and, more importantly, so did my Cary 805s, which (at least nominally) appear to be a similar design to your amps. IME, low powered SETs (Cary 300b) and OTL (Atmosphere 30) are a poor match.

In fact, I bought my P/Es at Sound By Singer in NYC and (IIRC) they were demoed with 805s. I'm not suggesting that the P/E is the right speaker for you, but I wouldn't cross it off the list because you plan to use it with a 70ish WPC 211 amp.

Thanks Marty, for your response.

My guess is that Parsifal Encore might just work fine. But there is no way I can actually verify it. Wish I could find a used Leonore (never seen those) or afford a Sarastro.

Think I will add Tannoy to my list, to compensate for the possible loss of moving Parsifal out (which was the leading contender).
I thought I would weigh in on this. The original Parsifal has gone through three upgrades. The first was a tweeter upgrade, spike change and some changes to crossover, this garnered the "Encore" addition to the name. Later Verity changed the tweeter again but felt that it did not require a name change as the change was small. Then in early 2005 they came out with the "Ovation" model. A larger woofer base, woofer change, tweeter, crossover were also changed. They also added an aluminum divider between the top and bottom to better control resonance. The Parsifal can be upgraded to the most recent Encore but not to the full Ovation. That being said, I have heard both in my system. I did get the aluminum divider ( an nice but not inexpensive change ), it helped to lock in instruments. The ovation may have a slightly better defined bass, not sure but maybe. I could tell not difference in the highs in my system. The Mids are the same, same driver etc. I did try some stillpoints Ultras under my Encores and they improved bass clarity and control significantly. I would take a most recent upgrade Encore with the aluminum divider and Ultra SS feet over an Ovation any day. But, I never had a chance to use the still points on the ovation so that would limit the comparison.

Now, to upgrade an original Parsifal or not. I am going to keep my speakers for another 5-10 years. So sending them back to Verity for driver checks, cap replacement and complete make over would give me a new set of speakers more or less, having the upgrade done at that time would be very worthwhile. I think we are way to eager to fall into the planned obsolescence trap.