upgradeable processor w/ powered speakers HT setup

i am a two channel guy but i want to have a HT set-up that's decent and won't be out of date within a couple of years. So my thought is to buy the Acoustic Energy little Aego 5 speaker HT setup. Since from what I understand the processor AE will offer with the Aego will not have the latest technology (e.g. PL II), I was thinking about not getting the AE processor but instead getting a processor that does offer PL II, etc., and that will be upgradeable.

Given that the speakers will be relatively cheap (i'm going to match them with an old Genesis sub that's not being used right now), I'm trying to figure out what processor to get. I don't want to spend a lot of money right now. Is there something out there that would fit the bill? Should I consider getting a processor that I can build a better HT system around when I'm ready to upgrade the speakers, etc.?

Thanks for the help.

Gregg - Check out the Aragon Soundstage pre/pro. I personally am very satisfied w/ mine, although I've never had an opportunity to compare against the big names like Theta, Krell, EAD, et al. The guys at Mondial (now merged w/ Klipsch) are super nice and offer great support on their products. Reviews on the Soundstage are available @ Audioreview.com. It will also be upgradeable to future formats. Best regards...


The Soundstage looks like a great product but pricey. I'm trying to stay under $1500.

I used to own a Denon AVR-4800 receiver that I used as a SSP only. It sounded fantastic. You should explore perhaps a Denon AVR-3802 (note: I have not actually heard this piece), which would cost around $900 and try it as a SSP only. The AVR-4802 would cost more $$$ but I don't know how much better it would sound. Try 'em out and see for yourself.