Upgrades to Analog System

Hoping to get some thoughts/advice on upgrade to current analog system. Current setup is

Avid Reference turntable
Sme v tonearm
Dynavector xv1s cartridge
Aesthetix Rhea phono stage (basic not signature)
Marantz pm11s2 integrated amp
Focal 1007be speakers
Rel b3 sub
Hydra 8v2 (everything except sub)
Hydra v2 (sub)

I've been generally happy with the system but there is always room for changes. When I purchased the Rhea 2yrs I had planned to do the signature upgrade. Now I'm debating on whether to spend $3 grand on signature upgrade on purchase new phono stage in the 5-7k range (would sell the rhea). The Avid Pulsare II phono stage is on my list.

Any thoughts on rhea upgrade vs another phono stage would be much appreciated. I'd also like to hear any advice on where $5-7k could be spent making other changes to the system if phono stage change isn't going to make a much of a difference.

Thanks in advance.
I had a Rhea Phonostage and was disappointed from it (limited detail, narrow soundstage, higher gains not useable based on tube rush...). I sold it very fast. I would replace the Rhea & Marantz at once, probably with Manley Steelhead or Chinook and a Lamm LL2.1. Atma-Sphere MP-3 + internal Phono is also a very interesting option,
Agree w Syntax that the Rhea can be bettered at that price. The Signature w NOS tubes was easily bettered by the following head to head- Manley Steelhead and ZYX Artisan into the line stage of a Doshi Alaap, and also by VAC Ren II and Doshi Alaap (both used full function). Analog front end was Teres/Triplanar/ZYX Universe. Downstream components Doshi modified Lectron JH-50 and B&W N802Ds. All 5 or 6 of us (can't quite remember who all was there) agreed that the Rhea did not measure up to the others and that the Doshi was the best, but opinions on the order of the three in-between varied. At least that's the way I remember it from several years ago.
I agree with Syntax. Rhea was a bit disappointing to me, altho I heard it in someone else's system. I have also heard the Signature version, in the same system, and it is a lot better. However, the cost of the upgrade might not be justified, since by selling your Rhea and saving the $3K, you could buy a very nice alternative, especially if you are willing to consider used units. Manley, Lamm, Audio Research, Atma-sphere, Pass, Coincident, Artemis, etc, etc. In the end, it's a crapshoot until you find your own Nirvana, but I think you are justified in your dissatisfaction with the "plain" Rhea.
I think you would realize an incredible upgrade if you changed to a Prima Luna Integrated or mono blocks with a prologue three. These are very affordable new! And I think otherwise your system is Awesome!
