Used Preamp on a budget advice please.

I’m currently running a top of the line Yamaha AVR as my preamp in a system consisting of a Threshold S500/II, B&W 802 S2 and B&W 801 S2 speakers, which I swap from time to time. I’m also just using a Yamaha DVD player as a CD player, but am planning to buy an older, higher end CD player as well. I also use a PC with iTunes running to an Audioengine D1 DAC. I also have a Pro-Ject Debut Carbon turntable and would need to a phono amp for the products listed below.

I’m going to add an older preamp (with remote) for 2 channel to try to extract more definition, depth, etc, and to try to warm up the sound (the plan is to add a passive, high quality RCA switch to choose between preamp and AVR). I have a limited budget of up $700 and have been doing lots of looking. It appears that for my budget and need for a remote control, older pre/pro’s may be the best approach. I’m curious if anyone has any advice, opinion, or ideas on my approach and the following preamp possibilities:

Classe SSP-300
Classe SSP-75
Classe SSP-30 MK II
Cary Cinema 6
Simaudio Moon Stargate
Parasound C2
Krell Showcase PR
Krell KAV-250P

"Greg, I'm not using the amps in the AVR, I have separate amps. I'm only utilizing the Yamaha currently as a pre/pro."

Ah - That being the case - use your AVR for video and audio processing for surround only and run all audio pre-outs from it to the SSP and then the SSP to your amps with all of your sources connected to it and you're done.


You are the second person to recommend the Schiit Freya. Mmmmm, I'll probably have to check one out.  

Thanks for the help.
Good idea, it's got all you want even remote control, bonus is, it and the phono stage is the same colour as your Threshold, and you can send them back if not happy.

Cheers George 
Okay, I pulled the trigger on the Krell mentioned above. The price was very low so if it doesn't work out I can easily recover the cost. 

I lusted for Krell at Progressive Audio in Columbus during my college years- this made the decision a little easier. If I don't like the sound I'm going to try the Schiit Freya. 

Now, I get to choose a CD player, maybe a dac, and a phono preamp.  Isn't this hobby/obsession/craziness/wallet draining fun?
As George mentioned, and as being kinda fan of low-gain preamps, I’d recommend McCormack mid-90’s preamps such as TLC or RLD.
You’ll need to find them with optional phonostage installed or purchase a phono board and mount it on your own.
Most of SMC preamps have either unity or low gain of 6dB that give you flexibility to use either their active or passive section depending on mood or music you want to listen to.
I owned passive/active Mod Squad Line drive miniature preamp that had either passive mode(no power required) or active mode with user adjustable gain under top cover by combination of jumpers from 0 to 12dB which I kept in the middle of section 6dB. Still remember fun of having that luxury to be comfortable at certain music I listen to to certain mode I choose.
When I purchased less sensitive amp (2.4V for full power), I had to sell it to get higher gain preamp and that was for me Classe 60. That one had remote receiver, but getting an original remote was challenge. Therefore I built one myself with parts from They sell internally

I used to own a Hafler amp, then an Adcom 555 and then an Aragon 2004 mkii (which I thought sounded better than the 4004 in a/b comparison, btw). Also spent a lot of time time in Progressive Audio. They got a lot of my money.

Don’t know if you were around when big Henry (beard) was there. He was trying to sell me a CJ preamp ($1000), and suggested that I bring in a lower priced ($699 if I remember right) Bryston ss preamp to a/b with their CJ. I did so... and the Bryston schiit all over the CJ, even in different matching configurations. You should’ve seen Henry’s jaw hit the floor. High-larious. They must have hated me there.

In that vein, back in 1995 while I was stationed at Ft Rucker, I got the bright idea to audition three preamps in my home. I was running the Aragon 2004 MKII with a set of PSB Stratus Golds. Anyway, one was a $5500 Krell, another was a $4500 Audio Research, and the last was a Melos Audio MA-333a. The latter was used at $2000, previously owned by none other than Barry Gordy of Motown. The MA-333a smoked the others in that setup. I mean smoked. The AR sounded veiled in comparison, while the Krell sounded speedy and contrived.

Later on, I took it to a buddy’s house in Atlanta, who also happened to work for HiFi Buys when they were the bee’s knees. He had another audiophile friend there that was quite proud of his Counterpoint (SA-7 if I remember right), and his jaw was likewise as Henry’s when he heard the Melos. But from what I remember, the Counterpoint was closer in the running than the AR or the Krell. He was running Martin Logans, btw.

So much is predicated on matching. Best advice I’ve gotten... try before you buy.