used when promised new

I ordered .5m pair of Cardas Golden Reference interconnects from an Audiogoner We negotiated through email and came up with the price of $375 NEW. Well, I got the cables, timely, but they are not new. They are in absolutely fabulous condition, but they are definitely not new. They were also packaged poorly with no Cardas literature. No nothing. I emailed my disappointment, and have not gotton a response yet. This is going to be my first time giving a negative response on "feedback." Isn't this appropriate, even if amends are made. Am I being fair? Is there, really, any reason to hear an explanation? Even if he makes good $$wise, he still lied to me. I would appreciate feedback from you guys.
thanks in advance,
I guess if it were me and I was happy with the condition, I might just send an email saying you were thinking new when you got excellent condition used. On a positive note, they might be broken in already. If you are happy with the cables, I don't know that I would make a huge deal out of it. Negative feedback is taken pretty seriously around here I gather.
I can understand your point of view. IMO could go either way since the cables are in "fabulous condition." If things went down as you said they did, you are at least owed an apology. I guess it's up to you about the feedback, but as George Bush said: "There is a saying in Texas. Fool me once, shame on...shame on you. Fool me twice....................if you fool me once, you can't get fooled again."

It's probably not worth negative feedback. Of course, if it's as described, you should feel somewhat misled. It's best if we are totally honest in our dealings here.