Usher CP-63XX owners, have you added Lead Shot?

I am awaiting my 6381's to arrive at the dealer this week, but am curious how many of you that own speakers from this line, have added either sand or lead shot? After looking at the prices of shot, it is quite a bit more expensive than sand, but should not be as messy. Did you notice any difference in sound quality, or are these speakers already heavy enough?

no lead under any circumstances....even filling with something thats not toxic is overrated
Is lead shot dangerous if they are not ingested? Does lead shot give off fumes? I do have small children so this is pretty important to know.
toxic when touched, and the chance that residue from the shot inself can enter the air for decades. not worth the risk to you or family.
Interesting thread! I am considering the purchase of 200lbs of #8 lead shot in 25lb bags to use as ballast for the back of my Myesound Stands on the Maggies. The thought was to keep them in the bags and lay them in a custom made box to fit on the back of the stands. The only common element denser (i.e. heavier) than lead shot is lead itself (blocks, sheets, etc.). Permanently sealing the box with the lead inside shouldn't be a problem as I see it...You?
Use steel shot. The shot cleans up the cabinet resonance in the all important midbass area. And no toxic impact on the world or your family.