Using a two channel pre-amp with a HT processor.

I sure this has been asked already but here we go again. I am tring to get better sound quality out of my system and would like to add a high-end two channel, possibly a tube pre-amp to my HT system for music listening. I know that ARC LS-16 and 25 are set up for this as are other units but can't I just use any pre-amp and just run the front channel out-put from the processor to the tape in-put on the two channel pre-amp?
Thanks Mark
I use a Mark Levinson 380S with Unity gain and it is espcially made to have it incorporated in a Hometheatre, works amazingly well..Can you say best of both worlds !?

Hi Mark, I use a Sonic Frontiers line one which has a surround sound pass through, it works excellent!!! This allows me to use a reasonably priced reciever with pre outs for the from channels. The Sonic is a superb preamp and can be found fairly cheap on the net. Good Luck!
C-J PV-14L, Premier 17LS, Sonic Frontiers Line 1,2, and 3,
Adcom GFP-750, all preamps above have HT. pass-through switch.