Utopia Skala / Alto speakers anyone hear them both

Also curious if anyone has run conrad johnson lp140's or premier 140's through either of these speakers and had any luck with there sound. I'm just trying to see what I want to do to the system I am building. AAAHHH God help me!!!.

Thanks Mike.

Skala falls far from 4ohms maybe the amps you are proposing can't deliver?

Such low impedance needs high current amplifiers IMHO.
no plans as such at the moment I believe. scala would work in all(25-35m2) but very bass lean rooms IMHO, if you have expierence that some speakers sounds not so weighty in midbass in your room as in others places better arrange audition before purchuase.

scala falls to 3 ohm maestro fals to 1.6ohms. so this is not issue. we tried most amp which can deliver current to 1ohm - no significant changes in qty (in quality yes)

its not that Scala lack bass -its just too polite in acoustical well designed rooms. when comparing wilson wat puppy or sasha to scala there is significant diferent amount of low frequency energy, thought i must admit scalas bass note are clearer and better separated.but so is Maestro. so its just speakers nature- in less than perfect rooms with room mode in 60hz for example its will melt perfectly without any issues.

The Scala should work in that room but you will likely need to treat the room acoustically.