venustas or jps superconductor 3 speaker cable?

i want to buy a big speaker cable, i have a dynaudio C1 confidence speaker, i'm between a venustas revision praesto speaker cable and jps superconductor 3, which is the best, your opinion please
You can also use Audiotorium 23 from Germany for speaker cables. THese are also very good with the Dyns.
I had the PAD Venustas(Rev C non praesto) & JPS SC3 in the same system - like others have said the PAD are rolled and warmer & less transparent compared to the SC3. I replaced the SC3 with the new Harmonic Technology Pro-9 Reference SE (2009 version - external biwire) and never looked back. Much more body and harmonic richness - not rolled off at all. The HT are the first speaker cables I've installed in my system and never removed after the initial install(going on 8 months). The HT are also about 1/2 the price of the SC3. Highly recommended. They just sound right in my system... Having said that, I'd like the try the JPS Aluminata speaker cables ;)
Mantis: I may be missing something in your comments above. After indicating the warmer,less transparent quality of the Venustas in comparison with the JPS Superconductor 3 you go on to say you replaced the SC3 with the Harmonic Technology Pro-9 Reference SE and got "Much more body and harmonic richness-not rolled off at all." In conclusion, you say "I'd like to try the JPS Aluminata speaker cables." I'm not sure why you got rid of the SC3, since it would seem from your comments that the Venustas was the cable with the rolled top. Please clarify.
Opus, sorry for the confusion - not enough coffee yet.

Yes, the PAD were rolled in my system and the HT sounded better than both the PAD and JPS(to my ears and my wife). BUT, I was missing a just a little body and harmonic richness with the JPS. I found that in the HT which also has great extension and air. After I had the HT's in for a couple months I tried the JPS SC3 interconnect vs the KCI silkworm. The KCI was better all around. I then tried the JPS Aluminata vs KCI - the Aluminata was better by a large degree in every regard. SO, I have an interest in trying the Aluminata speaker cables but they are just so much $$$$...
Okay, thanks Mantis. But you raised another interesting point. You found the KCI Silkworm interconnect more enjoyable than the JPS Superconductor 3 ic. Then, you found the Aluminata ic better by a large margin over the Silkworm ic. I previously owned the Aluminata ic, but now live with the KCI Silkworm+ ic---both, in my opinion, superb. But for me the Silkworm+ outdoes the Aluminata in musicality. Ye old "different strokes for different folks" scenario.