Very best in world music - recommendations?

Looking for somehting especially interesting and beautiful in world music. Any recomendations?
- "Fancha, Criolina", Cape Verde (Tinder Records)
- "Basia, Time and Tide" (Epic)
- "Mira Zakai, Unaccompanied", a capella (Ima Records)
- "Cesaria Evorda, Distio De Bilata", made in France (?)
- "Misia, Ritual", (Erato)
- "The Astrud Gilberto Album", (Verve Records)
- "Astrud Gilberto -w- Turrentine", (CBS)

If not into older popular music the last two may be too corny for you. She has a beautiful voice (think Nico and early Marianne Faithful), plus first rate musicans backing her up.

All of these are on CD (you did not specify).

You might also try searching for music of Basque origin (both old and contemporary).

I cannot locate these right now (stored a lot of our CD's in boxes), so no titles.

We have a double CD (modern Basque) that guy's @ the local audio shops used to drool over when I brought it in (Kepa-something, I think).
Thanks guys,.. just... while most of the world music is good, I'm looking for rare recordings (yes, digital) that could be considered as 'excellent' among those good ones.