vibrapods or cones?

Trying to achieve some sonic isolation and I'm wondering whither route to go.

I'm thinking vibrapods for the sources that actually create vibrations (speakers) and cones for 'passive' devices (amps, CD players)

Any thoughts?
I second Bob's point. For electronics, including cdp's, try cones under the component and isolation under the cones. The cones will "drain" vibration from the transformers or moving parts in the components and the isolation (vibrapods, pneumatic platforms) prevents vibration from the floor/rack from getting into to compoonent and signal path. With speakers, a rigid coupling to the floor is key. Spikes minimize the contact between the enclosure and the floor, reducing floor-borne vibration, and they prevent rocking or wobbling that can cause time smear from speakers sitting in the floor or on a compliant surface like sorbothane.
CJ of CJ's AudioVideo, my source for Vibrapods, has been trying to get me to try the sandwich thing with MDF. I was put off, though, because originally my flexi-rack had MDF and the system was unlistenable. The 1 1/2" thick maple shelves I use now are at least neutral. I suppose I'll have to donate, what, $150 to Caterham's used Lotus fund and get a Neuance shelf. What do you guys like for cones? Pierre Frey tried to sell me $125 set of his Mapleshade cones. As good as the speaker cables are, I don't know.
Kitch: I have the less expensive Mapleshade cones (Surefeet), but prefer the Neuance shelf (supported on upturned spikes) to the Pod/Maple/cone sandwich that I used to use on the CD player. The shelf is the same or less than the cost of a sandwich I could not use the brass cones under the tube amp as they stored too much heat from the chassis and reintroduced it back into the amp. I still use the Pods and cones on other stuff (since I have them and they are effective), but not on the source and amp in the living room setup which is my pride and joy. I was short on funds (even shorter now:-), so only re-shelved the top two shelves of the rack (the bottom two are still the stock MDF and this is where I still use Pods and cones) and would like to install a couple more of the Neuance shelves down the line. I also had better results with Maple platforms with the Pods and such than with MDF. I think that I will try the CDR dirctly on a Maple shelf with Pods under it, since you have had good results with the thick Maple. I just picked up a beauty (1 1/2" thick) at a thrift store for a buck. If not I can always use it in the kitchen. I think that Bob has more patience than I did with the Pods and cones as tuning them (moving them around) under the source drove me batty after a period of time.
Kitch, the Mapleshade Triplefeet definitely work better than their less expensive cones, which I also thought were good. Detail retrieval was improved high to low, and I preferred them to other cones and compliant feet including vpods under CDP and TT. Could be worth a trial. Compared to the Neuance shelf, which like Dekay I've ended up using, though, the cones produced a few "loose hairs" sticking out of the sonic coiffure in the highs. Keep meaning to try the Triplefeet and N shelf together but summer projects beckon.
I use both vibrapods and cones (tiptoes) in my system. Pods appear to work best under non-mechanical components (preamps, DAC's). Cones seem to work best on components with moving parts (speakers, turntables, CD transports). With power amps, I've had mixed results. Most of the time, amps seem to work best with cones in my system.