Vibration Problem

Once again I am seeking advice from someone with the experience. I have vibration problems with my cd player. There seem to be many tweaks available out there I could use but which is the most effective yet not cost too much?
How about the solid brass adjustable isolation cones? Or the Final Labs Daruma 3ii's which are two discs with a ball
bearing in between them? Also, what exactly are the "Harmonix" Tunig Feet? Has anyone tried any of these?
Maybe you'd recommend something else. I thank you in advance for your advice.
2 3lb.Non magetic Stainless Steel blocks(bought for a few $ locally) polished to a mirror finish on top of my planet does the trick
If you are talking about actually skiping the player this is a lot of Bass or a really loose floor.

There are two main modes for speaker generated vibes, Floor born and air born.

Unless you have a concrete floor you are getting both.

To me sounds like you need to move the audio rack around, try an inner tube or other floating type isolation, and mass load the top of the player to nix air born shakes.

To mass load and have ok looks I used a large marble floor tile with a thin mouse pad under to protect the player.
The darumas with some heavy weight on top as stated will make a world of difference. The darumas are great but on their own, each time that you input or press a button in the CDP/transport, you will be shifting the Darumas out of alignment. So, I use some sort of weight to weight the transport down. This will solve the major vibration problems you have. I do not believe too much in a sorbotane or another maleable based vibration control. In order to make it perform as stated, most of the times, you will need the unit with the problem to be of a certain weight, or else, it will just sit on top of these sort of footers. Most famous of this sort of devices are the Audioquest little/regular footers.


Change the location of the problem unit away from the epicenter of this problem, as someone pointed out.
Brightstar airmass underneath and a littlerock on top. I also have Symposium Rollerblock Jrs. under the transport. They sit on top of the airmass.
I also recommend the Ginko Audio Cloud 10 under your CD player. I currently am using it under several components with stellar results. I have tried several other devices and all work to varying degrees. The Ginko just works the best overall. Measurements have been performed with and without this device, you can check out their website for further info. There is no snakeoil with the Cloud 10, it just improves focus, soundstage and bass performance. Plus if it doesn't work you can send it back. No, I'm not a dealer, just a satisfied user.