Video Question: Plazma or LCD???

Hi, I know we mainly enjoy talking about audio, but I may have to buy a TV soon. I am confused. I feel I am very knowledgeable on audio (thanks to many helpful people on this site), but I don't know squat about video.

I thought I had made up my mind to get a Sony LCD. But I recently saw a Pioneer Plazma and the color looked better than anything I had looked at in LCD's.

Which is better? I have been told that Pioneer is making the best HD TV's on the market today. Any opinions will be appreciated. Has anyone compared the Pioneer Plazma to the Sony LCD?
Plasma better (IMO), but LCD closing the gap. Better blacks and better motion on plasma. LCD cheaper. YMMV.
Yeah, same as above from Swampwalker. Pioneer Plasmas are not beaten in any respective category. Can't really lose
There is an awful lot of stuff in the archives on this. If I had to distill it down to one point for each side, I would say that colours are better on plasmas (and blacks). On the other hand, resolution is better on LCD because it has smaller pixels. Since HD has emerged since plasma hit the market, I prefer the increased resoluton of LCD in order to take advantage of the higher definition formats that are emerging. To me this outweighs the colour advantage of plasma, and the gap on even that point is narrowing with each generation of LCD. However, many others prefer the striking colours of a good plasma. Take your pick and enjoy. They'll both be gone in a couple of years as OLEDs emerge.