Vienna Acoustics and cable

What kind of cable are you using in your system? I went from Monster to Audioquest cv-4 to Audioquest Cobalt 2 speaker cable. The I/C's are currently Audioquest Vipers. Is anyone using silver cables with the Vienna line? I am considering some new speaker cables.
I will attempt making some silver I/C with parts from Michael Percy. If all goes well,speaker cables would be my next project.
I have Beethovens and am using Kimber Monocle XL works great. Excellent balance of detail and warmth.
I have Analysis Plus "Oval 12" speaker cables hooked to my Arcam A85 integrated amp/ Vienna Acoustics "Hayden" speakers on sand filled HEAVY Orisis stands.

Even with extensive placement work I find the comb to have a VERY "boomie" result. I'm saving up to start shopping for new cables myself.

FYI my interconnects are the Harmonic Technology "Truth Link Silver". There was a IMPRESSIVE audible improvement INSTANTLY! THEY are keepers!