Vienna Mozart or Dali Helicon 400 with YBA

Dear Sir;

My system consists of: YBA Integre DT, Music Hall CD25.2 and a pair of old Kef floor standing speakers, Kimber PBJ IC, room size is about 3m x 9m (10ft x 30ft)

I am in the process of upgrading my speakers to either Vienna Mozart Grand or Dali Helicon 400. I have demoed Vienna Mozart and was very pleased by their warm detailed sound. My listening preferences are alomst exclusively to clasical piano music and some female voices/opera, but once in the blue moon, I listened to Kraftwerk, Hotel Costes, etc. I am looking for very detailed but not 'digital sound' (hence YBA). Also, it's nice to have some reasonable emphasis on bass but I don't listen to heavy metal or rock so it is optional. Most important timbre are: grand piano sound, female voice, violin, cello, and some Kraftwerk-like-electric-sound.

In any event, how do you describe Dali speakers vis-a-vis Vienna? I read some review on Dali and many said they have a prominent bass. But I haven't heard of a single comment on Dali's treble and mid-range (while Vienna seems to have very nice treble and mid).

Any comment is welcome.
Thank you,
I just auditioned Dali Helicon 400 today. The whole setup was for home theatre (all Krell equipment), so it was rather a vague experience to say the least... It appears though, that the treble and mid-range are very smooth(though maybe a bit bright), and, as many people say, the bass was boomy. It was 'high-fidelity' alright, but not my liking. I will probably go either Vienna or Triangle.
I love the looks of the Helicon 400s but I am not as big a fan of their sound. I thought they lacked resolution in the mids and upper mids for their price.

I heard Mozarts at a Tweeter one time using a couple different amps (B&K and Marantz I think) and they did sound warm and comfortable. The treble didn't sparkle but they weren't setup quite right IMO.

Triangles (I am going out on limb) are rather different. They aren't quite as warm since they favor tight bass but the latest versions aren't bright anymore which makes them a little warmer than usual. I highly recommend the ESw series. I had a pair of Antal ESw in my system and thought they were killer for the money - smooth and clean with superb imaging. The Mozart will be better at soundstaging size but won't have the image precision of the Triangles. Depends on personal taste and system components as to which is better. Both are great deals.

For piano, either the Mozart or even, a medium-level model fm Verity could fit the bill.
In any event, how do you describe Dali speakers vis-a-vis Vienna
Not Dali in general, but their small speakers vs the bigger Vienna and since you listen to piano:
The Vienna is like a Bosendorfer piano; the Dali is like a baby concert Steinway that's euphonically out of tune:)
Aball -

That's EXACTLY the way I felt about Dali, they don't quite have revealing mid and high, period. When I demoed Helicon 400, I was actually unimpressed by them except the looks... And guess what, I am looking for Antel or Celious, they appear to be my liking. For now though, I think I will purchase Vienna Mozart Grand. I might as well purchase Vienna Mozart and Triangle Antal/Celious then!

Gregm -

"The Vienna is like a Bosendorfer piano; the Dali is like a baby concert Steinway..."

Yeah, I think I know what you mean, I think the reason why Glenn Gould preferred Chickering Piano over Steinway is like preferring Vienna over Dali.

I myself play and own a conservatry size Steinway. She sounds nice indeed but not too 'intimate' if you know what I meant (The Steinway is gorgeous and perfect for sure but... You see, a 'but' is still there... I don't know how to describe it but I wish, having a Steinway, I had a Yamaha, Chickering or Bechstein grand...)

At any rate, btw, if I were to choose between a baby Steinway and a concert size Yamaha, I would choose the latter without a second thought. A concert Yamaha is actually sounds very nice! So I guess I will give up Dali then.

Thank you all for your insightful comments. I now have to audition Triangle then. Do you guys(or women) know where I can find Triangle speakers in New York City area?
A Bechstein grand -- that's a wow:)

BTW, you might want to give Verity speakers a thought. They're quite good at voice and (to a lesser extent) piano. But you do get the feel of what you;re listening to -- i.e. a Steinway, a Yamaha, etc...