Vienna Mozart or Dali Helicon 400 with YBA

Dear Sir;

My system consists of: YBA Integre DT, Music Hall CD25.2 and a pair of old Kef floor standing speakers, Kimber PBJ IC, room size is about 3m x 9m (10ft x 30ft)

I am in the process of upgrading my speakers to either Vienna Mozart Grand or Dali Helicon 400. I have demoed Vienna Mozart and was very pleased by their warm detailed sound. My listening preferences are alomst exclusively to clasical piano music and some female voices/opera, but once in the blue moon, I listened to Kraftwerk, Hotel Costes, etc. I am looking for very detailed but not 'digital sound' (hence YBA). Also, it's nice to have some reasonable emphasis on bass but I don't listen to heavy metal or rock so it is optional. Most important timbre are: grand piano sound, female voice, violin, cello, and some Kraftwerk-like-electric-sound.

In any event, how do you describe Dali speakers vis-a-vis Vienna? I read some review on Dali and many said they have a prominent bass. But I haven't heard of a single comment on Dali's treble and mid-range (while Vienna seems to have very nice treble and mid).

Any comment is welcome.
Thank you,

Thank you also for your input. Yeah, I checked one of our members by the name of Defstathiou's system under 'virtual system', and he (I am assuming he is male) uses Vienna Bach with YBA Passion, and he thinks they are a fantastic pair (I admire his good taste in equipment selection except, mind you, the ugly boob box inbetween his beautiful hi-fi system...but that's another story, heh).

I hardly listen to music loud but once in a while I listen to Opera and Symphonie louder than my other piano repatoir(but since I live in an apartment in NYC, I just cannot be that 'loud':(

But mostly I like low volume and YBA is quite good at it! Seems like many amps, I mean too many amps, are not able to live up to their full potentials when the volume is very low, but it seems that YBA is able to create very charming and intimate environment even if the volume is low. I was listening to some female voice very low last night and she sounded very 'lifelike' - as if she were there! I suspect not many amps are able to do this.

About three years ago, I had audio refinement complete and was very satisfied with their, shall I say, 'psudo-YBA' sound. In fact, I still think I won't find better int amp for that price (I got it for $500 used). The musicality of the Complete is top of the line except it lacks in detail/speed and succinct bass sound you find in YBA (hence 'psudo-YBA'). But given a chance, I will set up my 2nd system with complete.

But Katz, what equipment do you use besides Bach?
Ipous, let me clarify, I think the Triangles are a good value at their price points, just not my cup of tea. Since you mentioned Wagner, I think they would be fine for something like chamber music, I don't think they conveyed the full scale of an orchestra when I auditioned them. I believe Dalis or Viennas would partner well with YBA. Have you considered the Vandersteen 3A sigs?
I audition the entire Triangle line and felt the mids were VERY forward. I liked them but my concern was the "sweet spot". You really had to be positioned correctly for the best sound. In my world I rarely can just sit in the sweet spot and listen.



I couldn't agree more, that's the impression I get from Triangles - very light, forward, airy, punchy, but not full-bodied. Even in piano music - since I prefer polyphonic music - the speakers must be able to delineate each voice but still harmonise all the voices in one cohesive line. More and more I think about Triangles, I don't think they convey it in a heavy-profound German manner. I'd prefer French/German(well Austria to be precise) pair to French/French pair when it comes to hifi audio.


Yeah, I did extensive research on various speaker brands which can be paired with YBA. I even asked Audio plus people seeking their recommendations. One of the gentlemen there (He sounded he had french accent and very knowledgeable) told me that Vienna and YBA goes well. I did think about Vandersteen and accordingly, I did some extensive research but it appears that Vandersteen requires power. Considering my YBA Integre DT is 50W (though it sounds more than that), I don't think it would extract all the juice out of YBA. Well, I never know until I actually listen to them but that's my guess.

Thanks both for your insightful input.
Ipous, I am using an Adcom 555 II amp with Adcom GTP 500 II pre. Recently I added a Rega Planet 2000 and Eichmann Express 4 speaker cables. ( I guess I should put this in my system profile, huh?)
The Adcom has loads of power but can be a bit heavy on the highs and lows. It mates well with the Bachs, especially with their sweet silk domes and rich mids. The Rega has brought an added dimension to the sound coming out of the Bachs - very nice player! I am still undecided on the Eichmann cables, maybe a bit too warm.
The first time I heard the Bach Grands was with a $6000 Plinius, big-buck Cardas cables and ARC cd player in a treated room. I was simply amazed at what I was hearing out of these diminutive speakers! If you can afford a setup like that do it! My system is (obviously) much more modest but sounds good enough for now.

Hope I've helped.