Vienna Speakers: Compared to other Hi-end spks?

Vienna Acoustics(which is backed by Sumiko) is a company that seems not to have a lot of visibility. I have seen their line of speakers at places like Tweeter, Etc. "Fit and finish" are first rate. My question is: how do they rate against other high-end speakers, especially their model called the "Beethoven" which is the same price as Thiel 2.3, Revel F-30, Coincident Techology's Victory(not sure of the retail price). Would like to hear opinions from owners and any one who has auditioned them,especially the model called "Beethoven" Thank you!!
I've heard three of their models (including the Beethovens) auditioned with only solid state stuff - Classe and Linn. each time I thought the all the VAs were musical and delightful. Love to hear them with good tubes. They are, of course, beautiful to look at and seem extremely well made for the price. I got the impression they are a music lover's speaker as opposed to an audiphile product like Thiel and Revel (both of which I've heard at stores). I was unable to get through an entire song on any CD played with the Thiels, sat through 2-3 tunes per disc with the VAs. This always tells me about as much as I want to know.
I have recently been auditioning speakers for a new system. I heard the Beetovens in 3 audio stores. In two I compared versus the B&W 804. Clearly, the 804s had more detail, but perhaps too much. They sounded somewhat nasal comapred to the VA. The VA was more musical and warmer--mayber too warm (a bit dark). At least that is how they appeared when I heard them in a third store where Icompare them to the Sonus Faber Grand Piano Home. The SF Grand Piamo Homes sounded inbetween the 804 and VA. Brighter than the VA, more detailed, but not as bright or detailed as the 804. Personally, I liked the GPH the best. They were also more "forward" or lively than the VA.
I have the little "Haydens" (in beautiful rosewood) fed by an Arcam 85 integrated amp (SS / 85 watts).

First, the fit and finish is AWESOME!

Obviously they are not the "best of the best", BUT when you check out the highly regarded components they use and the over all sound quality you can't help but be impressed.

Before I bought the Haydens I auditioned nearly every small monitor except for Totem,Merlin and Harbeth. There was NOTHING (new retail) within $500.00 that could touch these little gems.

Two words of caution-they are position sensitive due to the rear port and if your "thing" is hard rock-not your best choice.

Happy listening!

I own the Haydns (beechwood) and am using them with the Arcam A75 int. amp and Arcan CD72 cdp. I've been so happy with this combination, very musical, detailed, warm, the most non-fatiguing speakers I've ever listened to. It's just pure joy to hear such accurate, involving speakers. I have them on speaker stands and am constantly amazed at how the music travels around the room, very wide soundstage and excellent full imaging even at low volumes. I used to listen to music mostly on my Sennheiser 600 headphones when I had B & W bookshelf speakers in the front room, but after getting the Viennas I rarely use the headphones, because the reproduction at low volume is so fulfilling and musical. The B & Ws are now in the bedroom hooked up to the television, and will soon be for sale.
I have owned the Beethovens and absolutely loved them. I used Ayre amp and preamp. I agree w/those that said they are on the warm side and sound beautiful w/jazz and acoustic. I heard them w/tubes but the amp I heard them with did not have enough power, in my opinion. The bass was undefined and too soft. I think they need at least 100 watts to sound their best. The Ayre V3 was a great match. I auditioned them against the Mahlers, and while the Mahlers were better, the price difference made the Beethovens a better pick for me. I felt the focused bass and incredibly musical midrange and highs compared very favorably to the $10,000 Mahlers. And as everyone notes, the cabinetry and wood grain of the whole Vienna line is just amazing. Beethovens can be found used here for $2400 or less, a great bargain.