Vote for best US made solid state amp

Let's vote for best solid state amp ,made in US The choices are Spectral,Krell,Jeff Rowland,Pass......
O.K. so it's not made in the USA, BUT, if we are talking solid state, the Plinius SA 250 is the winner by more than just half a length.
Cello "Suite" or "Platte" are the two most greatest amp ever built on earth. When we judge an equipment whether it is the best overall, we always look for how long it could last. By all means, the one who could survive on the market for a long time should have its own value. For some example, Cello "Suite" or "Platte", Jadis "JP80MC with "JA500", Matisse "Reference" pre-amp and power amp, they are the best whcih I have ever heard in life. You can tell how Krell and Levinson changed their models that often. But, do Porsche or Ferrari changed their model a lot?
I currently own amps by Krell, McCormack, and Levinson as well as some foreign made products. The Levinson, in my case a 333, is simply the best sounding SS amp I've ever owned. And I've auditioned the 33 monoblocks and they are even better.
CLAYTON Audio M70 Monoblocks Pure Class A Design 70 watts RMS into 8 Ohms 140 watts RMS into 4 Ohms 280 watts RMS into 2 Ohms 560 watts RMS into 1 Ohm Power rating is per side.
Build quality, reliability, technological advancement,transparency, LF extension to transform a system: must be a KRELL! Don't deny yourself!