Vote for best US made solid state amp

Let's vote for best solid state amp ,made in US The choices are Spectral,Krell,Jeff Rowland,Pass......
TO PHIL "ICERAVEN": I say Krell makes the best amps (and I'm NOT ALONE), but I'm not sure which model is the best price/performance value (if there's no limit on the money spent)...not that Brian cared to be that specific in his original question...YOU SEEM TO BE TAKING AN AWFULLY LONG TIME TO DECIDE, SINCE THIS POST IS A YEAR OLD. You have to try for yourself, because there'll never be concensus. JUST TAKE THE PLUNGE, AND STOP LOOKING FOR APPROVAL FROM STRANGERS ALREADY!! I mean, these discussion forums work for specific system aspects, BUT ASKING TO SUGGEST AN ENTIRE SYSTEM IS JUST PLAIN SILLY AND WRONGMINDED! It'll always be a subjective decision by the individual who'll be using the system, and if he's a real audiophile, HE'LL NEVER BE TOTALLY SATISFIED ANYWAY! That's what the hobby is about, THE JOURNEY TO THE MUSIC, not the destination. That's pretty much what ALL HOBBIES are about, "the process". GUYS WHO LOOK TO THEIR DEALERS OR BUDDIES FOR APPROVAL, ESPECIALLY TO SUGGEST AN ENTIRE SYSTEM, ARE TOTAL WUSSES! Use your own ears, or you'll never be happy. I SHOULD POST THE QUESTION: "Is it important to listen to your system, and make your own decisions?" That's about as intelligent as asking what the best solid state amp is...
Some interesting leads. But I've been thru a LOT of solid state amps (Krell, Rowland, Levison, Pass, Bryston...) but the ones that I keep coming back to on a musical basis are : For the money : The humble little Forte 4a and Money be damned : Reference Line Silver Signature There were only about 70 of the Reference Line units made but they are the most natural, grain free, flowing amp I've ever had and are outright steals on the used market when they do surface. They are still serviced and upgraded thru Scott Dixon. His number and E-mail address can be found under Reference Line in the Manufacturers list here in Audiogon. The Forte 4a actually sounds quite similar (tube like) thru the midrange and is marveloulsy dynamic & punchy.
Can the Sierra Denali IN monoblocks be that far ahead of the solid-state competition? Has anyone else heard these?
to not so scott--ai agree about the bedini 25/25, a reeally great amp for quads. once yu identify the silvery compressed top in the zilla, its over. its like realizing what wow and flutter are all about. still i prefer TTs to 44.1 . as for musicians=====live or ded? ellington, miles.
to not so scott--ai agree about the bedini 25/25, a reeally great amp for quads. once yu identify the silvery compressed top in the zilla, its over. its like realizing what wow and flutter are all about. still i prefer TTs to 44.1 . as for musicians=====live or ded? ellington, miles.