Vote for best US made solid state amp

Let's vote for best solid state amp ,made in US The choices are Spectral,Krell,Jeff Rowland,Pass......
I agree with Jasman. For solid state amplification. Threshold SA series amps, especially the SA/1's mono-blocks; 2 or 3 (Class A). And Pass X xeries amps.
Nice to see carl making a jack ass out of himself again.carl its people like you that make Americans not very well licked around the world.It was you playing the Banjo was it not.As for Krell it Rhymes with smell.Krell MIT.And you profess to hear.When id you lose your hearing.As for Canada we are above you your our backyard.If you new anything you would not make Moronic statements.In every report on standard of living done around the world.Canadians allways come out ahead.I have takin a few wrong turns in city's like Philly,Buffalo,Detroit.If one has a heart it will make you cry to see the abject poverty these people live in in the richest country in the world.You all should be ashamed of yourself's.So get off your high horse you pathetic human and try to make the world you live in a better place.Give you head a shake the wax in your ears might be dislogged.