VTL TL2.5 Preamp

Can anyone shed any light on this tube pre-amp, I'm considering one? I never considered tube "anything" before, but did like the sound very much. Matched with a SS amp.
I have owned mine for about a year and 1/2. About 6 months after having it I took it to Steve Huntley @ Great Northern Sound Co. and for $700 he transformed it. It certainly wasn't "bad" to begin with, he just said there was room for improvement, and he was right. I have not heard the 5.5, allthough may grab one just to try the balanced connections to compliment my new 185 signature MB's.
Through my local dealer there is about $1500 difference between the 2.5 vs 5.5 and if $700 worth of tweeks can get it sonically matched, I don't know if the balanced outs and phase reversal circuit is worth $800?
Time will tell as I am keeping my eyes peeled for a used 5.5.
95% power supply.
Steve had some brackets machined that set where the phono stage would reside, and added 4 big caps.
All of the supply diodes were replaced with the high speed variety, and added extra filtering to the incoming ac.
Some of the critical signal caps were replaced with higher quality ones, and noise supressing tape was added at various points through out to help quiet it down.
The RCA greyplates I put in are a tad noisy, but the mods performed spread the noise accross the soundstage which became Much, Much larger, I would assume due to the power supply changes.