WA-Quantum GmbH's Quantum Chips

WA-Quantum GmbH's Quantum Chips has anyone tried these?

I have tried the fuse chips and I am quite impressed! How the ... ???

So, I went ahead and ordered chips for speakers,cables,and transformer chips. I also purchased a few more fuse chips to try on circuit breakers / outlets.
Heck, I may even try some of them on my Synergistic powercell.
Luckly they come with a 30 day return.

I have read Norm's positive review on Stereo Times.

Just wondering if anyone else has tried these.
Geoffkait, Yesterday, I placed a couple of the Cable chips on the incoming power cables to my breaker box. Today,after a short listen, I must say the music does sound much more open.
Best place for the cable chips.IMO
Thanks for the tip.
So, here's a question in case someone has figured this out already. Actually, a two-part question. For a bank of small capacitors - I have a bank of six small capacitors in my Oppo and a bank of eight small caps in my headphone amp - should a WA Capacitor Chip be placed on all capacitors of the bank or only on one capacitor? Second part of the question - if only one WA Capacitor Chip is necessary should it be a Small Capacitor Chip or a Large Capacitor Chip (even though all the capacitors are small)? I.e., what differentiates a Small capacitor from a Large one, the capacitance or the voltage, or both?
I can't respond to your entire question, but after being away from here for a while, and having acquired an Oppo BDP-83SE, I found that, just today, putting the Quantum chip on the Sabre 32 DAC, the sound became quite a bit more focused. I had to call Oppo, who informed me that the Sabre chip was on the UNDERSIDE of the green pc board that held all the RCA jacks. The gentleman at Oppo warned me that the white and gray "ribbon" that connected the pc board to the main part of the unit was very fragile. Nonetheless, I conquered my fear and pulled out the screws on the back of the Oppo that let me then turn the pc board over and put the dAC chip on the Sabre, which had, by then, ben turned off for at least 30 minutes. As soon as it came back on, and I turned my amps on (the preamp is at Conrad Johnson being upgraded, so I'm doing direct output to the amps), and I put on the RCA Red Seal version of the Khatchaturian Dances (the complete ballet), I could tell instantly that the background was darker (meaning, less filled with grain, which contributes to a black background. Obviously when there's grain, the background is more grayish
than actual Black. This was a clear move towards Blackness!).
I would speculate that you may only want to put one chip on the larger capacitor and listen for a week or so, and THEN perhaps try another capacitor. If the capacitors are small, then use the small ones.
I have no idea what differentiates a small from a large capacitor, but Oppo could easily tell you. The customer service rep put me on hold several times and came back with an answer.
Since my last post I was informed by Kemp Electronics, manufacturer of the WA Quantum Chips, that if the Large Capacitor Chip will fit on the top of the capacitor then use the Large chip.
Geoffkait, isn't a lot like a cereal manufacturer when asked how much cereal should be put into the bowl, telling you fill it to the top?