WA-Quantum GmbH's Quantum Chips

WA-Quantum GmbH's Quantum Chips has anyone tried these?

I have tried the fuse chips and I am quite impressed! How the ... ???

So, I went ahead and ordered chips for speakers,cables,and transformer chips. I also purchased a few more fuse chips to try on circuit breakers / outlets.
Heck, I may even try some of them on my Synergistic powercell.
Luckly they come with a 30 day return.

I have read Norm's positive review on Stereo Times.

Just wondering if anyone else has tried these.
Since my last post I was informed by Kemp Electronics, manufacturer of the WA Quantum Chips, that if the Large Capacitor Chip will fit on the top of the capacitor then use the Large chip.
Geoffkait, isn't a lot like a cereal manufacturer when asked how much cereal should be put into the bowl, telling you fill it to the top?
Tbg wrote,

"Geoffkait, isn't a lot like a cereal manufacturer when asked how much cereal should be put into the bowl, telling you fill it to the top?"

I see what you mean, but I suspect that it's just a question of coverage, i.e., how can you use the large capacitor chip diameter 1 inch on the top of a (physically) small capacitor since most of the chip will be just hanging off in empty space? And the small capacitor chip is only, what, 1/8 inch diameter? So, a small capacitor chip on a large cap is probably not beneficial due to the coverage issue. But for physically small caps the small cap is OK. How many synthetic atoms can you squeeze into a 1/8 inch Diameter dot? Answer at 11.
A synthetic atom, aka "artificial atom," is a nanotechnology invention that is produced in the laboratory. The so-called Artifical Atom is comprised of a number of (negatively charged) electrons and a positively charged hole in the center rather than a real nucleus. (Hence the term, artificial atom.) Artificial Atoms fluoresce when stimulated by external means such as laser light or electrical current. You know, along the same lines as the Intelligent Chip.