Wadia iTransport

Has anyone received this yet, and if so, what are your impressions?
I just ordered one from Music Direct but they say it will not ship until 4/30. For $379 plus shipping, I thought I would take a chance, given Wadia rep and press buzz. Intend to run it through my Dodson 218 DAC.

Ag insider logo xs@2xnglazer
I saw one yesterday (5-04-08) at the AKFEST and I liked what I saw, although there really isn't much to see. :)

Unfortunately the system it was connected to had speakers I didn't care for, which was unfortunate because they were also using a McIntosh MA7000 integrated which would be very close in sound to my amp set up. (They had a second iTransport in another room as well but I never asked to try it.)

I am told that Wadia is hoping to ship the iTransport within the next couple weeks.

I have not heard one yet, but like what I've read. I agree with you that the combination of the price point and Wadia's reputation, make it worth taking a chance.

Let us know how you like it.