Warm interconnects recommendation

Can someone recommend a good pair of interconnects offering a warmer sound in the range of $100-$125 used for a 1 meter pair? I'm coming from a pair of Zu Oxyfuels and find them a little bright and edgy at times. Thanks.
Try the original MIT MI-330....tube sounding interconnect...
I have a pair that I no longer need.
You can also check with the manufacturer of your Zu Oxyfuels in regards to their other interconnects such as the Zu Gede.
Carda Cross is all about warm. Considering that a new pair goes in the low $400s, a used pair for $200 is not a bad deal at all. Cardas does not hold it's value as well as others, so you are getting a lot more for $200 than you will get for $125 IMHO. The Cardas Cross was my first step into higher end IC's after going up the ladder with Kimber's PBJ, Silver Streak and Hero. The CC is definitely warmer and cleaner than all of those IC's. If you can come up with $300, you might be able to be happy for a long time with a used Audience AU24. I just went from a $1000 pair of Acoustic Zen Silver Refs to the $500 AU24 (new prices), and while AU24 is not as detailed as the AZ's, it is not as colored either, and I can listen to all my music not just some of the best recorded stuff. I still have my Cross which I use on my cassette deck mainly because I bought it new, and I can't get anything better for the $200 I could sell it for. For fun, I compared the Cross with the AU24, and they both are warmish with the AU24 providing much more detail. Good luck