Warm Rich Lush Speakers...Recommendations?

Looking for recommendations that would fit this description. In the $4k to $8k range. Thanks.
How long has your friend had the Cremonas? Perhaps they are not broken in yet. I have had my Electa Amators for about twenty years. Warm...rich...lush, that's my speakers.
The warm lush sound that ultimately emanates from your speakers is often as much, if not more so, a function of your CD player or pre-amp than it is your speakers. To get that lushness that you want, you might seriously take a look at your electronics... are they (your CD player & amp/pre-amp) somewhat bright or thin sounding? What do you have in terms of electronics? SS or tube? If tube, what tubes do you have?

I am an older listener, I so not like any brightness at all (older ears seem more sensitive to brightness than younger ones...why? not sure ... but it is the case)... and I myself went on a quest for lush, rich but not bright sound in my system --- but it meant completely and systematically changing the whole line-up of components. Actually, at 4-8K for speakers, most speakers in that range will be, generally, whatever the signal fed to them will have them be.

The point? You may be looking in the wrong place for what you want... the electronics may be more critical than the speakers (or, at least, as critical).
another thought. Lush fullness in a stereo system is very volume dependent. As the volume goes up, fullness, palpable presence, and richness also goes up. So... to get that richness, you want to play louder. But... as volume goes up, if there is any harshness or brightness, that too is accentuated. So... we are limited to how loud we play based upon harshness and brightness. Remove the harshness and brightness, and the volume can go louder and fullness and richness goes up.

What am I saying? You get rich, lush sound by removing brightness and harshness --- simply by playing louder. So... the quest for richness and lushness is really more often a quest to remove harsh, bright components from your sonic chain of components (again, check that CD player and the amplification ... they are more often the culprit in harshness than are the speakers)
Hi Tom
It's Octadyn (George). Sonus Faber's Cremora auditor 'M' But I think you know my FIRST recommendation. Dyn C1 MKII. If not check out the original C1's. The MKII's are a little clearer than the originals but they play very well at lower volumes. Much easier to set up and position and they are not 'in your face' like the S25's.

As others have said consider the amp. Also consider copper cables over silver.

Most important demo them yourself. Funny because the S25's are based on the Evidence Master drivers where the Confidence is based on the Temptation drivers BUT the C1 cost more. Go figure:)