Warm Rich Lush Speakers...Recommendations?

Looking for recommendations that would fit this description. In the $4k to $8k range. Thanks.
Dali MS or Helicon, BUT they are not as far to the warm, rich side as to sound thick and colored, which your post seems to be asking for.

The Dalis are a little to the warm side with rich harmonics and textures. They are musical and easy on the ear. No harshness or brightness with decent (don't have to be the best) electronics.

In the most recent TAS they are called speakers to "marry" for life. That may be a little strong, but you get the idea.
I could not recommend my Cambridge Audio S30 more. I encourage you to try them. They have simply blown me away. I know that Cambridge is not currently known for their loudspeakers, but if you like a natural, warm, engaging sound, I highly recommend them. Further, they are a mere $219 at Audio Advisor. I know it sounds hard to believe, but the S30 is the best sub-$1,000 speaker I have heard.
Dun C1 are great, but not warm and lush. They are more on the bold and dynamic side, and can sound harsh without proper care with setup and enough space.

For a warmer palette, look into Aerial speakers.
I'd say look at the Vandersteen line. They tend to have a very accurate yet warmish sound to them. The old 5's sound wonderful. Alternatively I would recommend the Quatro's at your price point. I personally own a pair of 3A sigs., and can't imagine anything better at the price point.
As Hopat21 says --- Vandersteen makes pretty warm sounding speakers --- all across the spectrum of their line. I own some lower end Vandersteens (in a secondary system) and they are warm sounding.

That said, every one of the speakers listed by those posting answers to your questions --- every one of them (Vandersteens included) can be made to sound bright and/or harsh (read not lush/smooth/fatigue-free) if the electronics feeding them are provide the speakers a harsh/strident signal.

So... again, if you want a system that sounds full/rich and not bright, or thin, or strident --- then every component in the system (speakers and electronics) need to assesses for their contribution to the overall sound.

A "lush" sounding speaker will convey bright/non-lush sound if fed such a signal.