Warm Rich Lush Speakers...Recommendations?

Looking for recommendations that would fit this description. In the $4k to $8k range. Thanks.

Then based on your perspective these things,warm rich lush, are desirable in all speakers. At least that's what I would assume. I wanted to reply that everyone is looking for those qualities in a speaker. But I guess there is another perspective, which we will no doubt hear.
The Vienna Acoustics Mahlers are just about what you describe.
I owned a pair...they were/are among the most beautifully voiced loudspeakers I've ever heard.
For further tweaking, they have a treble and bass + and - setting...not so purist audiophile but absolutely wonderful for room and acoustic anomalies.
I loved, no, make that LOVED my pair and recommend them whole heartedly.
I only sold them as I'm a hopeless audiophile dilettante searching for the non existent Grail.
Tho' I haven't checked, you could probably find some in your price preference.
Inso far as the Vandersteens...by comparison, IMHO, the Mahlers win hands down with regard to warmth. While the Vandys are great speakers, there's a magic that the VA Malhlers have...you can't go wrong.

There are people who really like the lively, vibrant sound that --- to them is exciting and more engaging --- and to me is harsh. It is, of course, in the ears of the listener. Though there are "camps" so to speak. I assume our original poster --- since they are seeking warm, lush sound (in their own words) is likely to have in view what I have in view. Some would say that the warm, lush sound I like is "rounded-off and missing something" .. in fact several of my friends who hear my system say this --- again, it is very subjective.

But yes... for me, I do find warm, lush desirable.
Tony and Sam,

From my experience, I'd say that you're both right.

I own 20 year old SonusF (Minuettos) warm and lush (with limited deep bass and an audible mid-bass hump), consistent with the description by Tony. I also own newer Cremonas which are voiced very differently - lots of deep bass and presence region energy. Obviously the latter are floorstanders - a different animal that AFAIK SonusF did not offer in the early days. The SonusF "house sound" has IMHO changed pretty dramatically over the years.

I'm a bit surprised that this confusion doesn't pop more often on these threads.

"""Some would say that the warm, lush sound I like is "rounded-off and missing something""""

very few speakers are able to get both oposite properties you mentioned. First which comes to mind is Focal Maestro Utopia. there is nothing rounded or missing (like most Sonus fabers till 2007 I heard- great at recordings where no need for midrange sharpness and presence-like vivaldi 4 seasons) and nothing is edgy and painfully razor sharp (like wilson audio watt doggies)

of course they cost basicaly same as Wilson and Sonus together. but its still cheaper and smaller than keep wilson and sonus together if you want enjoy both schools.