Warm speakers?

Hello, in my current system I'm listening to a pair of Meadowlark Audio Kestrel Hot Rods in a very small room. We are preparing to move into a new house where I'll get a larger listening room (13X14). I would like to get larger speakers but maintain the Kestrel's sonic characteristics. If asked to decribe the Kestrels in one word I'd say "warm" without hesitation. Anyone have a suggestion for similar sounding speakers that go lower than Kestrel's 38HZ in the $1K to $1.5K range used? I have a feeling when the Kestrels will be too small for the new room.
Rest of system is NAD C-541i and Portal Panache. Thanks.
You may just want to wait and see Timrhu. They just may breathe a bit more and extend a bit more. If you are satisfied with the overall sonic performance, I would try them in the new room, as the price is right too! If you are looking for more bottom end I have tried a few, such as the Soliloquy 6.2's (the 6.2's were recommended over the 6.3's in a smaller room) which will give you deeper bass, however not as tuneful in the bass, nor as rewarding in the mids IMHO.

I have heard good remarks on the Totem line, however have no experience personally and unsure of what they sell for used. Good luck.
This is pretty much a no brainer. Try the Vandersteen 2Ce Signatures. I have compared the speakers side by side and the Vandersteen's are more open and definitely more extended on the bottom. The overall sound is warmish. Both speakers are first order designs and they will sound similiar through the mids. The 2Ce Sig has a bolder, bigger sound. The Kestrel sounds a little closed in in comparison.
Definitely a worthwhile upgrade and bigger than many would suspect.
Yeah, if the Meadowlarks are going to be retired, I would agree with Bigtee on the Vandy's over the Soliloquy's for what its worth.
I briefly owned a pair of 2CE sigs. I was the only bidder on an ebay auction. They were way too big for my room so they never received a thorough audition. I also had a pair of Shearwater Hot Rods but sold them when we moved into this apartment while waiting for our home. The Vandy's will be at the top of my list but they are physically imposing. You guys will think I'm nuts but my very first post on Audiogon was asking if anyone tried them without the socks. Not as a sonic tweak but just to reduce their over bearing physical appearance. After doing a little research on their build structure, it's still a possibility if a cosmetically challenged pair were available at a good price. I would like to see Vandersteen build the 2CE with a more room friendly orientation. Thanks.
Yes, indeed, the Vandys are one homely speaker. Hasn't changed appearance since 1982 or before. They're made for music reproduction and not looks which is why I haven't considered them for the last 17 years. They also like some power as do many of the Totems.

You could check out (with a little expanded budget) used Harbeth C7-ES2s and also Spendor 3/1s and 2/3s. I think the 2/3 is a better speaker than the 3/1 with a more open and clear presentation but still nice and warmly musical.

Oh yeah, check out Vienna Acoustics speakers. They are on the warm side and quite easy to drive. And the wood working is just gorgeous, especially the new Grand series.