Warm speakers?

Hello, in my current system I'm listening to a pair of Meadowlark Audio Kestrel Hot Rods in a very small room. We are preparing to move into a new house where I'll get a larger listening room (13X14). I would like to get larger speakers but maintain the Kestrel's sonic characteristics. If asked to decribe the Kestrels in one word I'd say "warm" without hesitation. Anyone have a suggestion for similar sounding speakers that go lower than Kestrel's 38HZ in the $1K to $1.5K range used? I have a feeling when the Kestrels will be too small for the new room.
Rest of system is NAD C-541i and Portal Panache. Thanks.
Thanks for all the suggestions. I'll have to research the Vienna Acoustics line. There was a dealer who sold them here in Indianapolis a couple of years ago but he's closed up shop. No matter what I decide, the Kestrels will stay with. Of all the speakers I've owned, and I've owned a few, they are my sentimental favorite; just alot of fun to listen to.
Research begins now.
If you like the Kestrals, move up to the Blue Heron 2's: you can get a super deal on them these days ( I've seen them for around $5000. on A'gon) and they should give you everything you want and more. I owned mine for a couple of years and enjoyed them immensely.
It appears you've eliminated another pair of Shearwaters as a possibility--I'm curious as to why. It seems like an obvious choice.
>I'll get a larger listening room (13X14).<

If this is larger, what are you using now, a closet?

Ozzy62, actually it's pretty close to that. We moved into an apartment and I was lucky to have a space at all. We'll be moving into our home soon where I could adopt a larger room but that would require sharing the room with a tv or other activity. The room alloted to listening is an unoccupied bedroom soley dedicated to my system. Over the years I have decided that listening is best with about eight feet between ears and speakers. I like the focus this provides at reasonable levels.
Tobias, I believe we have discussed the Shearwater on previous threads. When we moved here I sold them because I didn't want them just sitting in a closet. They are on my list of possibilities. Although I never considered them a "warm" speaker, their sonic characteristics are attractive. My problem with the Shearwaters was placement issues. Also I didn't care for the light ash finish of my pair.