Warmish SS pre:Rowland Synergy IIi preamp/others?

I am looking for a slightly warmish SS pre. I have pretty much narrowed it down to a pre in the $2000-$3000 used range. The best preamp I have yet tried (solid state) is a Classe CP-700, but it is out of my price range, used. I am looking at a CP-500, amongst others. What about the Rowland Synergy IIi? I couldn't find much around here. Pass X-1 was another option, but I was worried that it might be a little thin. I don't want a really thin sound, but something akin to a slight tube "ease" and musicality, but in a SS preamp. The Classe was very nice, and about the sound I was looking for. Other suggestions?

After listening to several preamps, I have come to the conclusion that a tube pre just won't work in my system. Every one I have tried has produced audible (at the listening position) hiss. This includes some very well regarded units up to $6K retail. Efficient speakers and 1v input sensitivity of the amp seems to be amplifying the background tube hiss. I listened to an I had a previous thread going, but that was before I had listened to some stuff and knew about the sound I was going for.

Amps are McCormack DNA-125 Rev. Gold, nice detailed SS sound, but still full.
I'm a long-time tube guy, but recently tried the BAT VK42se in my system on a whim. It is an excellent piece, and definitely not thin sounding. Vocals are very present and full sounding, and instruments within the stage are well defined and have excellent dynamics. It is a quiet as a tomb. It's definietly a keeper... one of the very best linestages I've heard.

If you look long enough you should be able to find one slightly over your budget, in the $3200 - $3500 range. IMO it has all the magic of some of the best tube units I've heard with none of the noise issues. Of course it's also nice to not have to feed it expensive NOS tubes!
In the $2-$3K range the Rowland Synergy IIi might be at the upper end of your price range, but for what you are wanting would be well worth it.

I purchased one here on the 'Gon a few months ago and have been very pleased. I was wanting a nice warm pre, with low noise floor and dynamic slam, great smooth blooming mids and built like a tank and built to last. The Synergy IIi met all those criteria. Feel free to private email me if you would like to discuss further.