WBT Spades -- Crimping needed??

I just purchased some Canare 4S11 cable and am looking to terminate them properly. I'd like to connect the speaker end of the cable with spades (biwire), and so far I've read that WBT make the best spades.

However, it was not clear to me whether I can insert wires directly into the WBT spades or whether I need to insert a sleeve onto the wires before adding on the spades.

I have no crimping tools and am not looking forward to have to purchase any, so any help is appreciated.
I have Canare 4S11 with WBT spades. I found it is very easy to connect the spades using just WBT sleeves and the tool supplied with the spades. Just slip a ferrule (sleeve) over the exposed 4S11 wire, insert the end into the WBT spade and tighten with the wrench. The screws compress the ferrule onto the wire, thereby connecting the spades quite snugly. Don't waste a dime on a crimping tool. You don't need it.
While you might be able to get by without the tool, what Tvad suggests could strip your screws/screwholes if you're using smaller wire and end up extending the set screw toward the end of its adjustable length.

The screws and the body of the connector are copper, which is a very soft metal. If you end up putting strain on the last thread or two of the screw, the threads on the screw or the screwhole _will_ give way. Trust me. I've done it.

Sometimes, having the right equipment is better.
Mwilson makes a good point, but what he describes sounds to me like a case of using a ferrule that is too large for the wire. Using the proper size sleeve for the spade and gauge of wire you are using should eliminate all problems. As I recall, the WBT website has a search tool that will tell you the proper ferrule to buy given the wire gauge you are terminating.
Wow guys thanks for all the great advice! I'll definitely look into all the options. Thanks y'all I appreciate it.