weakest link? what would you upgrade?

My system, speakers B&W 804S front center and rears, have two DM602 for 7.1 don't know if i will stay with seven channel...

pioneer elite 92txh receiver decoding and used for pre outs to...

anthem statement p5 amp.

sub is a paradigm signature 15A

room is 25 by 25 but half is used for home theater.

i love my projector so no worries there.

i run a play station 3 for my blu rays.

so ideas???? and reasons why.


this is a home theater ONLY system, thus my post in hometheater.
You didn't mention what you were using for playing your music.... IMO a nice upgrade would be a Blu-ray/CD player. I have heard many good things about the oppo as a blu-ray player. It also has components ie: DAC; that makes it great for analog audio music listening. While I have no issues with the PS3. I think its a great device, but I think you will get a lot of enjoyment out of a universal player like the Oppo.
Zd542.... i have an anthem statement separate amp... you suggesting i also get a stereo amp?.....

if i mostly watch blu rays would a different player matter.... there is no decoding or up converting, running a losses signal, would the oppo be any different?
Sounds like you have a great home theater system Bill. With the exception of souce components, I can't think a reason to change the Speakers and Amp. Even the Pioneer acting as a pre-pro is a solid link if you do not need HDMI 1.4 and it sounds like you don't - you're happy with your projector. Further, the Pioneer uses advanced MCACC as do the newer Pioneer Elites so no advantage here either.

So perhaps the only thing is the source. If you like music, upgrade your BluRay/DVD/CD player to get better DAC's for CD playback and utilize the players analog outputs. If you dont care so much for music, don't change a thing as you in very good shape right now.

I think ZD542 did not realize you had the Anthem amp hence the mention of your receiver's power in his post. As mentioned before in this thread and other threads, your P5 is one heck of an amp and it would take quite an upgrade to perform as well as your Anthem.

I kinda figured that he didnt read the OP. But i just wanted to make sure. i love my amp, even thought about getting a p2 if i get some of the older 802N to bi amp them.

any information on my question about the newer or better blu ray player if i just play blu rays... no need for up converting.

i don't use this system for music.. unless it is a blu ray concert.
