WEL -- Wife Equivalent Language

All in the name of fun...

Let's agree, for sake of argument, that our hobby is 100% meritorious and therefore deserving of it's central role in our family spending patterns (both in terms of time and money)! Afterall, it's a gospel truth - we know it and can feel it deep in our hearts - hallelujha - that the world revolves around sound, and there is no sweeter sound than the one produced by our latest tweek.

Yet, try as we may to convince her, she just doesn't seem to get it. Communication is the key! Yes, it's the key to maintaining that healthy balance between our love for her and our love to hear (those sweet sounds that matter little to her ear). In this regard, I'd be interested in knowing what your favorite WEL buzz terms (and other WEL expressions) are when discussing all things audio with her. Here are some of my favorites:

Cables and interconnects - "wires and plugs"
Line conditioner (especially an expensive one) - "power box"
Electrostatic transducer - "sound radiator"

I'm still working on a WEL term that will explain the check I just wrote for my new DAC...
Kthomas - nice use of the "computer obsolete" thing. you are clearly an experienced practitioner of the audio purchase art. My wife is actually very good when it comes to letting me buy stuff, but here are a few of her standard responses and their translations.....

What is that for? (How much did it cost?)
Why does that thing have two boxes? (Did it cost twice as much?)
Didn't you just get one of those? (I think you should take me out to dinner, or maybe to Florida.)
I liked the last one just fine. (We REALLY need to redecorate the living room.)
What have you done now? (Have you lost your mind?)
Maybe you should hold off buying anything else for a while. (I want a new car.)

My wife has actually come a very long way (use to call speakers "Weepers and Bleepers") and in fact is very proud of the stereo room and it's ability to amaze and astound friends and relatives. However, she wouldn't be caught dead listening to it by herself - it wouldn't do for her to actually be found enjoying it......
Esoxhntr, I love your series of WEL questions and your interpretation of their hidden meanings!

I'm laughing about: "Didn't you just get one of those?"

I can hear those words ringing in my ears. Watch out when you buy one amp and then decide a month later that you like it so much that you NEED another one to run them monoblock bridged! I just did this with a pair of Bel Canto EVo200.2 digital amps. What about 7 Bryston 7B-ST's for an HT rig? Believe it or not, it's been done (not by me... I value my life too much).
Esoxhntr,I couldn't have said it better.Your wife seems to be a clone of mine.It is obvious she loves you and that's bottom line.
Ever try to explain how the Pronto remote works...After spending 24 hours (literally) programming and tweaking the Pronto I thought all the hard work was over and I could enjoy the fruits of my labor. WRONG!!!
WEL put! (I just couldn't resist the cheap gag). You have hit the nail on the head; though not always completely understanding why I am spending significant sums of cash on audio, my wife is hugely supportive. I consider myself very lucky, and from the sounds of things, so do you. Hats off to both our spouses!
