What amp to use with Apogee Stage speakers

What amplifer (power amplifier or integrated) would you recommend for the Apogee Stage speaker? I've read that a very expensive high powered amplifier (in excess of 200 watts) isn't necessary to achieve great sound with this speaker, the smallest in the Apogee line at the time of its release. In fact some can sound worse than a well matched 100 watt amp. Thanks.
Also consider McCormack and hybrid amps (SS/tubes). Tubes on Stages are very musical if you provide adequate power.

Stages can sound good with low power amps but they will be somewhat congested compared to a more powerful amp. I am not talking monster powerful amps here. Just try for something 200/400 or 250/500 watts(8/4 ohms).
I can second Bobspeak in his recommendation of the Aragon 4004 MKII.

It's a great amp for these speakers. I used one in London for 8 years, never turned it off, and with the Stage's it was one of the best combinations I have ever had.

I would guess you would really need to spend some serious $$$ to do much better.
I'm using a Electrocompaniet AW100DMB and I'm very happy, this amplifier push the Stages on his limits.
I still use Stage speakers as my main speakers, although they have been rebuilt with Graz ribbons and I use active crossovers now. The best amp I tried with them when I had the passive crossover was the VTL Sig 450 monos, although I would imagine any of the VTL or Manley with at least 300w/channel would do just as well, tetrode mode is better. Less than 200 tube watts is iffy. I never liked them that much with any solid state amp including the Classe amps, although a Sunfire amp used in Current Source output mode should work very well. I like the Sunfire on my bass panels (325w/channel).
I agree the Aragon 4004MkII is a great amp for these. However I accidentally discovered that a 35 year old Yamaha CA-1010 gives the Stages the timbre and texture acoustic instruments deserve! At only 90W (8Ohm), 120W (4Ohm) can drive the Stages pretty loud (if the recording is compressed enough) and to a nice level in a lively room if it's a really good recording. The stereo imaging and detail is the best I've heard out of the Stages, and I've had my pair 20 years. I would say that you must be careful not to have too much power or you will end up rebuilding your ribbons. Keep it under 150W 4ohm with a high current amp.
The only other amp I've tried was my ARC D125 (115W). Sadly, this very transparent amp I'd didn't do anything for the potential these speakers possess.