What Amp will go best with Magnepan MMG?

I just acquired a pair of Magnepan MMG speakers and I was wondering what system I could buy on a budget. I really don't want to spend a lot but I want to hear these speakers at their best. What I need is a Amp and tuner at not a very high price. Thank you for any suggestions.
something like an acurus a100 ($700) would work well, or adom gfa 545 or 5400, parasound hca-1000 this would give you enough power to crank it if necessary with these amps for volume control you could use a creek passive preamp obh-12 and any tuner (cheap active preamps sound bad) for convenience it would be hard to beat an nad integrated amp (c340 or c317) tom
I have had excellent results with a little Arcam integrated amp. Arcams tend to be warmer than most inexpensive amps, and while you are waiting for your baby Maggies to break in you can give 'em a touch of bass on the tone controls. Just don't tell. Arcam is better than NAD C340 with Maggies in my opinion - I've used both.
After 20 years of experience with a various Maggies, I would suggest you buy a used Classe', i.e., Seventy of 100. They do a much better job of controling the panels and allowing them to sing and slam. I have used Adcoms, Carvers, G.A.S. and others and by far the Classe' are more than worth your time. You may want to try an intergrated from Classe' as an alternatine to separates. It is a good value on the used market and a great combo.