What are the best entry level integrated amps and speakers?

My daughter just got a new place and wants to upgrade her Best Buy based stereo system.  She is only interested in two channel stereo (good for her).  I told her if you're willing to get used equipment of high quality you'll get a better system like I did (Krell, Ayre, Revel).  We are looking for an integrated amp and speakers.  The amp should put out 75-100 watts.  She has enough room for floor standing speakers or something smaller.  So far I have researched NAD and Outlaw for amps and PSB for speakers.  What would you recommend?  I think the budget will be $1,000-1,500.

 Thanks for your input.

I've gone the NAD / PSB route and while not bad and often great, the latest line of Yamaha or Marantz amplifiers sound better / smoother and ELAC or Paradigm speakers are preferred over PSB.  
Get a powered KEF LS50 and be done with. You maybe able to get one under $2k used.

I have 2 really great small systems that I expect to keep until the grave. One in the office and the other in the bedroom.

1) KEF LS50 passive + Peachtree Nova 150 integrated.
2) AUDIENCE - ClairAudient 1+1 v2 Bookshelf + Benchmark DAC3L + Benchmark AHB2 amp

The KEF LS50 is my favourite small speaker but the Audience speaker (2K) is incredible in the mid-range. They sound different.

#1) used is only a little over you price range. I bought both used for $2300. Though the price is likely lower these days since the KEF speaker is not the latest hot thing.

#2) is a lot more expensive, $7K. I just added it if anyone else was interested in a small office system.
Pipebro...It is always easy to recommend what each of us likes, but..............What is wanting her to upgrade ? What does she want more of / What does she seem to be missing ( imaging, coherence, neutral tone, dynamics, etc. ? What music does she favor ? What is her listening room like ? What are her sources ? Any shared walls / floors / ceiling. Sorry for my snartiness, but I need this information when helping people. Her e ya go.....Klipsch Heresy IIIs.