What area or country do you live in ?

It's always interesting hearing members choices and opinions of equipment and set-ups on here. So many times, I have never even heard of equipment that is mentioned, only to find out that this person in living in another county from mine. I thought it would be interesting to see where we all live

I'll start

Southeastern Ohio, USA


I'm in the Navy. At the moment I'm based in Japan.

Japan has these interesting stores called "hard-off" which always seem to have rare and esoteric hi-fi equipment. I got a Technics SE-A3 amplifier and 3 way set of Goto Unit horn drivers for very reasonable prices.

Soon I'll be transferring to Norfolk VA and hopefully there will be some sort of audiophile community there I can get with.

Kalamazoo, Michigan
Original home of Gibson Guitars.......and lake-effect snow
Woodridge, Illinois just a bit west of Chicago.  Current temperature is 5 degrees Fahrenheit.  
Listening to Trio Da Paz guitar through tube integrated so double toasty warm.