what cartridge recs for Nottingham Spacedeck

I'm looking hard at the Nottingham Spacedeck / Spacearm
and considering a cartridge for it

initially I'd like to stay under $500 but would like to hear about the musical qualities of anything below that or up to $1k.

I am interested in an involving, tonally balanced presentation with strond resolution and imaging
I would tend to favor a slight warmth over something analytical and harder.


128x128Ag insider logo xs@2xaudiotomb
Just my 2 cents worth - I own the G1042 MM cart. I'm using it w/ my OL Silver 250 with great results. The static compliance of the cart. is 16um/mN, which makes it a medium compliant cart. & it should mate well w/ the Nott. Space arm. As TWL must have already stated - low compliant cartridges do not mate well with unipivots, IN GENERAL. There are always exceptions, which is fine.

Anyway, the G1042 has rich bass, warm vocals & is very musical. It is not analytical at all. Very nice cart. & very pleasing to the ear. As 4yanx has hinted - there are a # of manufacturers who have modified the Goldring design & are re-selling it under their label. To name some - Reson, Roksan Corus & possibly the Nott Tracer. This cart. will not disappoint you. IMHO, YMMW, FWIW.
The Clearaudio Virtuoso is a great cartridge as well, though I don't know how it would work on the Spacearm. I had the Virtuso on a Rega/Michell Gyro and the sound was excellent. However, didn't work as well when I switched to an SME 309; may have been compliance problems. Retail is around $750, but can be had for $600 w/ a trade-in of any old cartridge, or about $500 mail-ordered from Europe.

I have a 3 month old Spacedeck and am using the Clearaudio Virtuoso MM cartridge. Extremely happy with the combination. Unfortunately, can't say I have heard any other cartridges on the Spacedeck. But I can say I strongly prefer my Spacedeck / Clearaudio to my Audio Research CD gear. Putting my CD collection in storage.