What causes clipping?

I am trying to understand why my Kinergetics SW-200 subs are clipping so easily. I had a thread in "speakers", but realized this "tech talk" forum might be a more appropriate forum to help me understand what actually causes clipping.

I am mostly using my system for home theatre with a HK AVR300 receiver and pairing the subs with Spica TC-50's. The Kinergetics seem to be easily overwhelmed when "bassy" scenes come up in movies. But, other than when aliens are landing, they don't seem very loud.

The Kinergetics have their own 150W x 2 amp which is fed from the pre-amp out on my HK receiver. The receiver only has a mono pre-amp out, so I am splitting that to the L/R Kinergetic amp inputs.

What I am calling "clipping" is when the subs make a fast, loud, popping noise. A fuse in the Kinergetics sub may also burn out if this goes on for a long time.

1. What causes the clipping? Is it the sub amp being overloaded or is the speaker itself in the sub being overloaded?

2. Would a bigger sub amp solve the problem? If so, any recommendations?

3. Can clipping be caused when the amp can't get enough current to power the speakers? For example, I have the Kinergetics amp plugged into the switched AC outlet on my HK receiver. Can the amp be overloaded as it tries to suck the power it needs through the AC cable maybe causing a dip / spike pulse to the speakers?

4. Does room size or speaker placement have any affect on clipping?

Thanks for the help.
The subs have an external amp. I highly doubt that the two speakers / drivers would be crosswired inside the sealed speaker box. I also can visually see that both speakers in the box are moving in and out in unison.

Would reversing the black / red speaker wire have any effect? I didn't think it really mattered which way you hooked up the speakers. I'm pretty sure everything is matched up, but just one more thing for me to try.

I'll also make sure everything is sealed well, although it all seems pretty rock sold.

Is there anything inside the speaker box that could be failing? I wasn't sure if there are any electronics inside the box itself.

Thanks again for your ideas.
Robotman....If the amp is external you could easily check for "crosswireing" using a battery, but perhaps you can do this by observing the cones during music. The battery is just a more definite method. Agreed that this would be unlikely.

Reversing the red/black speaker wires will have no impact on your problem, but would screw up the proper phasing of the left and right SW.

Try a different power amp.
I need to find an audiophile friend in my area who would be willing to bring over their amp for me to try out.

The Kinergetics has separate L/R channels. I can hook up the right sub to either channel and the problem still occurs. This makes me suspect something in the sub box itself.