What CD for my Plinius Hiato?

Meridian G08.2 or Plinius CD101?
I once owned the 9200. Since you narrowed your list of sources to the CD101 and the Meridian G08.2 I'd feel compelled to try the CD101. Unless you can audition each of these sources with the Hiato, you have no clue about the quality of the match between the Meridian and Plinius, but the synergy of the CD101 and the Hiato is basically guaranteed.
Very different sounding players. The Plinius CD 101 does have synergy with Plinius pres/amps, but only because the CD 101 can be very detailed and almost lean while the Plinius pres/amps are on the warmer side. Meridian is warmer and more musical, so depends on what your looking for in a CD player...
it's to soon but the Hiato are more powerfull, sound bigger, more analitical, the time is more composed, more defined. It's diferent. the philosofy is quit the same from the new pre Tautoro.
Now i want to change my source, my first choice was the Plinius CD101 but i have the possibility to buy a Audio Research CD7, why do you think about it?

12-29-08: Hce4

How do you like the Hiato? Compared it to the 9200?

The Hiato is very different in sound to the 9200. See AudioEnz forum for a review on the Hiato.
