What city do you live in?

Just curious because I thought it might be cool to actually meet some of you in person and check out your sound systems. There are some incredibly knowledgeable people here who I'd imagine have incredible sound systems. I'm new to this and am going to my first audio show in Denver but I'd bet that some of you have better sound in your own homes. Also, is there a way to private message someone? Thanks in advance!
Ok, so maybe the Harley, the jeep and the vette are cool, but that tahoe sucks, unless of course it has 26" inch spinny wheels!

Hey Albert, nice system! You seem to add alot to this site. I liked your "favorite music" thread. I'm going to get some Chris Whitley, and check out Trixie too! That guy is freaking amazing! I definately need to widen my music library and tastes. If I'm ever in the DFW area, I'll definitely try to get with you :-)
Asheville, NC. Moderate system but a passion for good music. Believe in the law of diminishing returns concerning equipment costs. Am 64 and will probably work 10 more years due to divorce and ocassionally making a difference. Remarried to an age appropriate trophy wife who loves to listen to music. Love a good Napa cab. Season tickets to the Asheville symphony. Music now on a PC with a Halide DAC. Vinyl sounds great but complicated.
Everybody has a story.
B_limo, I did try. And might have pulled it off had I not been forced to shelve the hobby for 2 years while working around the clock. I'm going to try again, but the gas money could kill you!

Vegasears, that's not a sufficient hint. Need more to work with. ;)