What do I do next ?

What would be the next upgrade ?

Belles 350 A AMP
VTL 5.5 Pre with phono
Nottingham Space Deck with MM Dynavector Cart.
Meridian 507.24 CD player
Sonus Faber Electa Amator II's Speakers with Walker HDL's
Fixed Sonus Faber stands / No subs ( I have tried a few)
All Wireworld Gold Eclipse III cables
Various Power cords and cones under the preamp
Try Lloyd Walker's latest tweak, the SST contact enhancer, and otherwise do just as Onhwy61 has already suggested. This will provide an audible improvement at virtually no cost, and little effort. Your system description looks like a winner.
Component isolation, power conditioning, and room treatment if necessary.

Some products that have worked superbly for me are:

Machina Dynamica Promethean Isolation Base
Marigo dots on walls and windows
Acme Audio outlets
I would go for a 5 channel system because a two channel system sounds flat by comparison.