What do you recommend for less than $3000

I'm looking to assemble a physically small setup in the bedroom consisting of Integrated Amp, CD player and mini-monitors to playback mainly jazz instrumental and vocals.
Jeff's Sound Values has a Quad setup [CD/Amp/Tuner] for $1400 which seems reasonable and should give many years of good service. JSV is a good outfit with fair pricing. And that leaves plenty of funds for good to excellent MMs, like Merlins, Tylers, Spendors, etc. Good luck.
How about a combination of some of the following pieces, some used and some new prices of course.

Cd players
- Rega Planet
- Jolida JD100
- Sony DVP9000ES
- Cary CD308

Integrated Amps
- Blue Circle CS
- Jolida RC1500
- Unison Research Unico
- Rogue Tempest
- Plinius 8100
- Arcam A85 Diva
- Electrocompaniet ECI-3

- ProAc 1SC
- ProAc Tablette Series
- Totem Model 1
- Aerial Acoustics Model 5
- Jm Reynaud Twin
- Sonus Faber Concertino
- Vienna Acoustics Haydn
- Spendor S3/5
- Harbeth ••••

I've been able to get some intimate and seductive acoustic jazz and female vocals matching Blue Circle and ProAc gear. Some of these pieces on this list may stretch your budget a bit considering you'd need cables as well. Don't spend a lot on the interconnects. Maybe look at Chris Ven Haus' VH Labs Pulsar ICs.

Good luck!