What do you think of Elrod PC's?

I may pick one up.
Like 'em very much....musical, full, extended, yada, yada....
David has a great ear for music, and his cords are a steal on the used market....IMHO.

Like all power cords and wire, your system and listening preferences will be the final arbiter. There is no one correct cord for everyone.

That said, Elrod cords are among the best, and trying one or two would certainly be worthwhile. As John obliquely mentioned...buy used.
...i have used many of david's cords and all are among the best at their price points. synergy is important and you won't know without trying them..very nice gentleman also
I often wonder what Mr. Elrod is doing these days. His Statement series are the last I've heard about. I wouldn't mind trying one of them out. I did have a Sig.3 model a few years ago and it was very nice on the amps I had at the time. I previously had a regular non-signature model and there was a definite improvement in sound with the Signature. Mr. Elrod certainly keeps a low-profile. I don't recall reading a post ever from him on these threads and I never did understand why he didn't get a nice little web site. I always imagined that an Elrod web site, well laid out with nice photos, testimonials, etc. would have helped promote his lines, although word of mouth on these threads I'm sure helped his sales. What say you, Mr. Elrod?
I love them. I concur with others about David being a real gentleman. Easily one of the nicest guys I've met in audio.

Dear Sherod,

"I often wonder what Mr. Elrod is doing these days"

David Elrod is working with Spectron Audio, day and night, to produce the best interconnects and speaker cables in the world to match very stringent requirements of Spectron Audio flag ship amplifier, Musician III Mk2. This amplifier is highly resolved and requires cables which will not loose info nor add their own coloration.

It is not easy task even for David Elrod.

Thanks you
Thank you, Simon. It is good to know that Mr. Elrod is keeping busy and is doing well.
Dear Sherod,

In my zeal I completely neglected to mention that David Elrod works on new products to be perfect fit not only for Spectron amplifiers (and as user "Spectron" it is my main concern, obviously) but also to all other high quality solid state and tube amplifiers. My deepest apologies for this misleading statement.

Thank you
You can read the thread on amp/preamp regarding use of Elrod cables for Spectron and non Spectron amps and consensus seem to be - best in thw world power cord!
