What does Flat Earth mean in audio circles?

I have seen several references to Flat Earthers. My impression is that brands such as Naim, Linn, and Mana are associated, but why? What are they talking about?
Ag insider logo xs@2xdrubin
Check out this page and what I think below.

Well I think this thread proves the point above that we need some new terms. I thought I was a borderline flat earther that is until I read definitions that were just about the opposite of what I believe about audio. I believe in P.R. a.T. Pace, Rhytm and Timing. I also believe in tonality. The last thing in the world I care about is measurements and I am sure nothing makes much more difference than clean power and correct vibration control. May SETs and high efficient speakers live forever.
Flat Earthers believe the equipment serves the music, rather than the music serving the equipment.
Humph...All my records are round.
Can't figure it out.

said above >>>The last thing in the world I care about is measurements

I hope we aren't giong to label anyone who measures anything a flat earther.

I remain