What is a better value speaker -- Kharma 3.2FE at

$21k or WP7 at $22k? I understand that choosing between these 2 speakers is more of a "personal taste" issue or perhaps a synnergistic issue with associated equipment.

The Kharmas, being imported speakers may be overpriced given the declining value of the dollar versus EU currencies. Wilson on the other hand, being a domestic product is not subject to currency valuation -- but are they at the proper price point?

Appreciate your thoughts.
Ejlif: "What is the least expensive VS speaker that you think compares equally to the WP 7 Or 3.2 Kharma?"

Hey Ryan, in many ways, the VR4jr's are better than both the WP7's and the Kharma 3.2's. For example, I had leant a number of customers VR4jr's to tide them over while they were waiting for their VR9SE's. They had all traded in either Kharma 3.2's, Midi Grands and Midi Exquisites. All characterized the VR4jr's as much more fun to listen to with more body, much deeper bass and much bigger dynamics. On the other side of things, I would say that the VR4jr does not have the last bit of resolution of the Kharma 3.2, but there are always sacrifices.

The VR4jr has a more natural sound and is equally as dyamic as the WP7's. Totally differnt style.

My feeling is that the VR4SR's, to my tastes, clearly equals or beats the WP7's and Kharma 3.2's in every way.
I think you need to decide how important the bass response is to you first. If it is not worth sacrificing any mid-range or treble to get good bass response, than I would pick the Kharma. If bass response is a must, than the Wilsons are the one I'd choice between these two. (If those were the only two choices, I would probably pick the Wilsons, but it would be a tough choice, as both are good speakers, IMHO.)

Howeer, if it were me, I would go along with some of the others and check out the Avalon Eidolons. (The diamonds if you can afford them, although I think you would have to buy them used at that price, or if buying new, than the Avalon Visions.) The old Eidolons are some of my favorite speakers.
I owned Wilsons (3/2) for 14 years before moving to Kharma 3.2 FEs. The musicality, coherence and seamless blending of all but the lowest notes, with a magical midrange and superb highs all make the Kharma a better fit to my ears than any Wilsons I have heard. So I would vote very heavily for the Kharmas.
Thanks for the responses. I did have the WP5.1, then the WP6 and was happy with both speakers matched with either SET or solid state amps. Then I switched to the Eidolon Diamonds -- these were the best sounding speakers I've heard (driven by a Rowland 302). I had to sell the Diamonds due to the fact that I'm moving to a smaller listening room and hence need smaller speakers. I've heard both the 3.2FE and the WP7 and they both sound great -- I can live with either of them.

What I'm trying to evaluate at this point is the economic aspect (i.e., original price vs. resale value) of one vis-a-vis the other. I tend to move equipment around every couple of years so resale value and demand are important.

Any other thoughts?
JTinn is right. I've bought the Von Schweikert VR-7SE few months ago. It is amazing speaker. If you live around LA area you can come by for listening.