What is the affect of cd player?

How much does the CD player affewct the o ver all sound quality of a system. I now have a Cambridge AZUR 840c and like it very well. But wsas thinking of upgrading if it would give me an even better sound. I wonder how much the cd player figures into the ovcr all picture? Thought maybe some of you who have been there and done that could share there experience Jack
My cd player was the latest change to my system. The changes were as dramatic as any other upgrades I have made in the course of my system building.
Your source component is the most important piece. It is impossible to improve the sound down stream no matter how good your speakers or amplification are.
Well, garbage in equals garbage out of course, but I believe speakers are the most important part of the system.

Based on the reviews I have read, you would have to spend over $5,000 to better the Cambridge 840C. I have never heard a player that cost over five grand so cannot confirm or deny.
The degree of difference between good digital, like your Cambridge, and top shelf digital is relatively small. And probably not a worthwhile upgrade at all unless the rest of your system is highly resolving and up to par with it.

It's all about that last 1% though, so the value proposition is up to you. There's also the matter of "flavor" once you get into those regions, where most of the contenders are rather amazing, but each has its own character.

I guess what I'm saying is "is there any other part of your system that could use an upgrade first to make a digital upgrade worthwhile"?


PS - then again, there's more fun to be had in vinyl (any more expense), if you haven't tried that route yet.
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