what is the best amp for B&W 802N

Hi. I just bought B&W 802N. And I'm using MF-A3.2cr. Should I get a more powerfull MF or Krell. I can list my amp for sale and get more power. Looking for used one, and want to spend $2k on 2ch amp.
Thanks for the reply. My concern is heat and size of the ML. I still need to get a pre-amp. If 200W from the ML332 is good enough for you. I don't think I need to take the Rotel route for 500W. May be the MA6900 will work for me.
The MA6900 is awesome with 802s. I did like the ML334 with them too but MC501 monoblocks beat everything I have ever heard with these speakers and they will remain cool as a cucumber. Guaranteed to last 40 years that way. But yes, the 6900 will have enough power for your room.

Take a hard look at the Sunfire Signature. I ran N802's with them and they were the best amps I had on them in your price range, and bettered several more expensive amps as well...there's one listed right now for $1800