What is the best sounding DAC at $2000-$4000?

I would like to buy a DAC and I am finding it a bit confusing. I mostly use my computer as my source. I'm looking for a DAC with usb connector, very musical non-digital sounding,and portrays alot of emotion.
I have become a big fan of the Wyred4Sound DAC1. I have not heard the DAC2, but the USB integration on the 1 is killer and either is in your price range.
Another vote for the PWD MKII. The TAS review is dead on. You really have to reach the $10k summit to beat it. In fact, the reviewer said it occasionally beat his $25k EMM Labs player on some high resolution recordings. Things are changing rapidly in digital right now and I think spending a great deal more than $4000 on digital playback is pretty risky.
I have to disagree with plosive. IMHO the USB integration on the WFS is very ordinary. It is improved considerably with an Off-Ramp (the best but unfortunately most expensive) or an Audiopilleo 2 (probably the best bang for buck). I did not like it much at all via its internal USB but with the Off-Ramp - very good - very good indeed - although still a touch analytical to my ears and I prefer DAC's that aren't - but that is a personal preference sort of thing.

Bhobba: I purchased a Metrum Octave a while back and love it. I am running Pure Music in my Mac Mini. I purchased a Mach2Music HiFace 2 USB/spdif converter. While playing music into the HiFace 2, I would here "clicks" and "pops" during playback. I ultimately returned the converter. Did you ever experience this with any converters? Do you have any idea as to what I may have done wrong?
Neko D100 MK2 + Audiophilleo 2 + Pure Power sounds very non digital, musical with excellent tonality.